Should Agents Use Professional Media for Their Listings
Podcast discussing real agents and the use of professional media when marketing their listings.




All right, so today let’s do a deep dive into something I’ve been wondering about. In real estate listings, is professional photography really that important? Like, we’ve all seen those listings where the photos are just kind of strange, right?

Oh, yeah. And part of me even gets it, especially for new agents who are just starting out. Budgets are probably super tight. Right. So I’m wondering, does a fancy camera actually make a difference? You would think not at first, but it’s fascinating. There’s been research that shows that professional photos actually do influence buyers. And not just on like an aesthetic level either. Right. Redfin, they’re a real estate brokerage, did a study showing that homes with professional photography sold for more. Sometimes $11,000 more. Wow. And they sold faster too. Wow. So that investment in photos, it can really pay off.

Okay, yeah, $11,000 more. That’s a lot of money. But what is it about those photos? Is it just the camera or is there more to it? I think it’s definitely more than just the equipment. Real estate photographers who are professionals, they’re kind of like visual storytellers, I think. Oh, interesting. They know how to use light in a way that makes a space feel welcoming and how to highlight the things you might not notice in a quick photo. They can even make a small room look big. And you’re not just selling like a certain number of square feet. Right. You’re selling the feeling of a home. That’s so true. When you see a photo that’s done really well, like a living room with a perfect light, you can practically imagine yourself living there. A blurry photo just doesn’t do that. Yeah, you’re right. It’s about creating an emotional connection for the buyer. And that’s what professional photos can really do. I get it.

Yeah. Okay, but let me play devil’s advocate here for a second. Smartphone cameras today are really good. They are. So are those fancy cameras still totally necessary? I bet there are agents out there who are thinking, my phone takes great pictures. Why hire a pro? Yeah, you’re not wrong. Those cameras are pretty amazing. And I think in some really specific situations, a good smartphone photo is fine. But. Okay, you’re going to say but. It’s more of a reality check than a but. Okay. Just because you can take a photo for your Instagram doesn’t mean you’re a professional photographer. Like there’s an art to it, you know? Oh, yeah. Lighting, composition, knowing what angles will work. You learn that from experience.

You know, this reminds me of when I was renting my old apartment. I thought I could totally take the photos myself. And let’s just say they didn’t turn out great. I ended up calling a friend who actually knew what they were doing. I learned my lesson. We’ve all been there. But I think what you said is so important. It’s different taking a casual photo and a really good photo. Yeah. A really good photo is about more than just showing the space, you know? Absolutely. So professional photos mean a higher price. And they require real skill. Yeah. But things aren’t just about photos anymore. Right. Social media is everywhere. And now it’s all about videos and stories. It’s a whole other thing.

Yes. So tell me, what kind of videos are we talking about here? What are agents using that’s better than like just a shaky phone video walkthrough? Oh, yeah. Those can be rough. Yeah. The shaky camera walkthrough is kind of a thing of the past now. Okay, good. Now it’s all about well-made edited videos that really give you a feel for the flow of the property and all the little details. So instead of clicking through photos, imagine watching a video, a really nice video that takes you through the house and maybe it shows how the light comes in the living room or how big the backyard is, you know, for entertaining. It just hits different.

Right. It’s like I’m walking through the door myself. But what about those super short videos that are everywhere on social media, the ones with music and quick cuts and stuff? Oh, yeah. You mean reels? Yes. Reels. Those are huge in real estate right now and for good reason. They’re made for grabbing your attention like when you’re scrolling and scrolling on Instagram or TikTok. Reels let agents show off just the best parts of a property and they can even show like the lifestyle you could have if you lived there. Imagine a reel with like upbeat music showing a beautiful kitchen while someone’s making a delicious meal or even just a quick shot of a pool on a sunny day, that kind of thing.

Okay. Now I want to buy a house with a pool just so I can make that reel. Right. It’s good marketing. But let’s be real for a sec. This all sounds pretty high tech. Yeah. Do you need a whole film crew to do this? Asking for a friend who may or may not have tried to make a professional video once and it mostly involved a lot of awkward pauses and their cat making an appearance. I think we’ve all been there with those DIY video attempts. And the good news is you don’t need a Hollywood budget or anything to make good real estate videos. There are companies out there who can help agents with this. Actually, there’s one I was thinking about, ADM Photo and Video.

Okay. Tell me more. What makes them stand out? Well, they’re based in Fort Myers, Florida, and they do basically everything. Photos, videos, 3D tours, drone shots. Wow. They work with all kinds of agents. So it doesn’t matter what you’re selling. So they really do offer the whole package. And I bet they understand that the real estate world moves fast, right? Agents need photos and videos quickly. Exactly. ADM seems to get that. They know agents are busy and need to get those listings up fast and they need them to stand out. From what I’ve seen, their process is all about being easy and fast. From booking to getting the final product. I love to hear that. The last thing an agent wants is to be waiting around for photos. So they handle the technical stuff, but are they keeping up with the creative trends too? Like what’s new and exciting in real estate photos and videos? It seems like they are. From what I’ve seen, they’re using the newest technology and stuff to make really stylish, attention-grabbing content. I think they understand that those visuals are a big part of an agent’s brand. So they’re more like a marketing partner than just a vendor. Which makes me think, we’ve talked about the good things about professional photography and videography, but is there ever a time when DIY makes more sense? Or are those days over?

That’s a good question. And the answer isn’t always a simple yes or no. There are things you have to consider. Okay. So what are those things? Like when might it actually make sense to go the DIY route for real estate photos? Well, budget is a big one, obviously. If you’re a new agent, or you’re working with a smaller budget, or even if your listings are at a lower price point, those professional photos might be something you just can’t swing. Yeah, that makes sense. And I’m guessing some clients might be okay with iPhone photos, especially in a market where houses are selling really fast anyway. For sure. Clients are different. Some are fine with just good phone photos, and some want the works. And even the brokerage matters.

Oh, wow. So? Some are strict about professional photos. It’s just non-negotiable. And others are more flexible. So it’s like any business decision then. You weigh your options, think about who you’re trying to reach, and go from there. But it really does sound like professional visuals are becoming more and more important for agents who are serious about their business. So what’s the final word? Should all agents just hire a professional photographer tomorrow and forget about using their phones? I don’t know if I’d call it a final word or anything. I think it’s more about understanding how important those visuals are, whether you’re an agent putting a listing together or you’re looking to buy a place and scrolling through listings, just pay attention to those photos and videos. So it’s about being a smarter viewer, basically. Understanding that those visuals matter even if we don’t realize it. Right. Think about it. Do those photos make you want to stop and learn more of that house? Or do they just make you want to keep scrolling? Do they make you actually feel like you could live there, that gut feeling you get when you see a listing? A lot of times it comes from the photos and videos. That’s so true. I’m going to be paying more attention to that now for sure. Well, we’ve covered a lot of ground today, from simple phone pictures to all these amazing video strategies. It’s clear that visuals can really make or break a listing in this market. Thanks so much for walking us through all this, expert speaker. Of course. And to everyone listening, thanks for joining us for this deep dive. We’ll see you next time.

Image by freepik